Add our cards to your digital wallet
Add your Oregon State Credit Union debit or credit card to your digital or mobile wallet and enjoy easy, secure payments from your device with participating retailers.
Set up your card in Apple Pay or Samsung Wallet
Access a wallet app, load your card details, experience hassle-free transactions and manage your finances effortlessly.
Apple Pay steps — On your phone, open the wallet app. Press the "+" icon. Enter your card details then follow the app instructions. When done, use your cards online or in stores.
Samsung Wallet steps — On your phone, open Samsung Wallet. Tap get started. Enter a new PIN and enter it again to confirm. Add your cards or use them for purchases.
Simple and secure payments
Simple digital payments.
Experience the convenience of contactless tap-and-pay. Digital wallets give you a smooth and swift payment experience online, in-store or in apps.
Secure information.
Each card and device has a unique encrypted number assigned to it. When making a purchase this encrypted identifier authorizes your purchases to ensure that your actual card number and PIN never transfer to a merchant.
What are digital and mobile wallets?
A digital wallet is software that enables you to securely store and manage payment information, such as debit and credit card information, plane tickets, and event tickets. It's accessible from devices like laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. A mobile wallet is a type of digital wallet and is used on a mobile app.
Where do you get a mobile wallet?
Most phones come preloaded with wallet software. Download a wallet here: Apple wallet or Samsung Wallet.
Are digital and mobile wallets secure?
Digital and mobile wallet security uses “tokenization.” Tokenization is the process of replacing the card number with a unique 16-digit token number for a specific device. The token is used for transaction processing instead of the real card number, working to keep your information secure.
Will we ever contact you to load our credit or debit card to your Apple or Samsung Wallet?
No. Please call us at 800-732-0173 if this happens.
Need help?
Call 800-732-0173 or come into a branch.
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