Free shred collection days with Oregon State Credit Union

Giving back to the community is one of the ways a credit union is different from a bank. Shred collection days are a great example of that. By providing a free opportunity for people to dispose of their confidential documents safely, we’re contributing to a larger effort to build safe, healthy communities.

Why you should shred

Protect your identity. Identity thieves want your personal information. Don’t risk the potential for identity theft, shred instead.

Keep organized. Reduce the amount of paperwork laying around your house or office. Reduce and de-stress. Be clutter free.

Protect the environment. Save trees, water, electricity usage. Be environmentally conscious. Be proud to shred.

At the shred event:

  • Bring up to three boxes of outdated documents — old checks, forms or statements with personal information.
  • Get it all securely collected for shredding in a NAID certifide truck
  • Easy drive-n-drop outside

How to get ready to shred

Get organized. Sort paperwork into three piles:

  1. Keep: Taxes less than seven years old, pay stubs (one year), legal documents (contracts, licensing, awards and achievements), insurance paperwork, workers’ compensation paperwork, rent or mortgage paperwork, medical bills (one year)
  2. Shred: Old taxes (seven or more years), bank and credit union statements, credit card offers, canceled credit cards, old photo ID’s, old pay stubs (one year or more), canceled checks, business documents, travel itineraries, airline tickets, utility bills, medical bills (one years or more), passwords and PINs, junk mail (any that include names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses).
  3. Maybe: Personal items that may have emotional value, old address books, luggage tags, transcripts, old calendars.

Upcoming shred events

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